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The Group participated in Electric Power and Renewable Energy Indonesia 2017

In Jakarta, in Indonesia, the Sicame Group participated, in «Electric Power and Renewable Energy Indonesia 2017», one of the main exhibitions on electrical energy and renewable energies in this part of the world, from 6 to 9 September.

This exhibition covers the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, as well as safety.

The Transmission, Distribution, Tooling Connections, Lightning Protection and Safety SBUs were present, as well as the local subsidiaries, PT Sicamindo and Sicamex Asia.

The event also enabled Vincent Roy and Robert Battle, who were present, to officially welcome Effendy Sinaga, who will take over the leadership of PT Sicamindo in the beginning of 2018, succeeding Eric Saulnier, who is taking his well-deserved retirement after many years of brilliant service for the Group.

All the sales entities presented their products, current operations and the opportunities which exist in the APAC region on the different segments of the market to Effendy.

he APAC region is experiencing strong growth this year, to which Indonesia is contributing through the major projects announced for T&D.

With the strong presence of our local partners, we anticipate strong growth of the market in the short and medium term.